Local Gardeners

Crafting Beauty: Steps to Creating Stunning Container Gardens

Container gardening offers a world of possibilities for adding beauty and greenery to any space, no matter how small. Whether you have a balcony, patio, or windowsill, you can transform it into a vibrant oasis with the art of container gardening. In this guide, we'll explore the steps to making beautiful, creative container gardens that will impress. From selecting the right containers and plants to arranging them in eye-catching compositions, let's dive into the wonderful world of container gardening and unleash your creativity!


Choosing the Right Containers:

The first step in creating a stunning container garden is selecting the right containers. Consider the containers' size, shape, and material, ensuring they complement your space and the plants you intend to grow. Terracotta pots offer a classic look and excellent drainage, while ceramic and plastic containers come in various colours and styles. Get creative with unconventional containers like old wheelbarrows, wooden crates, or recycled household items like buckets and tins.


Selecting the Perfect Plants:

Next, choose plants that thrive in containers and suit your desired aesthetic. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, watering needs, and growth habits when selecting plants for your container garden. Mix and match different varieties of flowers, foliage plants, and trailing vines to create visual interest and texture. Opt for various heights and colours to create depth and dimension in your container arrangements.


Creating Eye-Catching Compositions:

Once you've selected your containers and plants, it's time to get creative with arranging them into stunning compositions. Start by placing taller plants or focal points in the centre of the container and surround them with smaller plants or trailing vines. Experiment with different arrangements and configurations until you find a layout you love. Don't be afraid to mix and match plant combinations to create unique and visually appealing container gardens.


Adding the Finishing Touches:

No container garden is complete without the finishing touches that add personality and charm. Consider incorporating decorative elements such as pebbles, shells, or decorative mulch to add texture and interest to your containers. You can also accessorise your container garden with decorative stakes, garden ornaments, or miniature figurines to add a whimsical touch.


Maintaining Your Container Garden:

Once your container garden is complete, it's essential to maintain it properly to keep it looking its best. Water your container plants regularly, paying attention to their individual watering needs. Fertilise your plants periodically to promote healthy growth and blooming. Prune or deadhead plants to maintain their shape and encourage continuous flowering. Watch for pests and diseases and address any issues promptly to prevent them from spreading to other plants.


With these steps and tips, you're well on your way to creating beautiful and creative container gardens that will enhance any space. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice, container gardening offers endless opportunities for expression and experimentation. So, roll up your sleeves, unleash your creativity, and let your imagination run wild as you craft stunning container gardens that reflect your personal style and green thumb prowess.


FAQ Section


Can I grow vegetables and herbs in container gardens?

Absolutely! Many vegetables and herbs thrive in container gardens, making them an excellent choice for urban gardeners or those with limited space. Choose compact varieties of tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and herbs such as basil, parsley, and thyme for a bountiful harvest from your container garden.


How often should I water my container garden?

The frequency of watering your container garden will depend on factors such as the type of plants, the size of the containers, and the weather conditions. Remember that checking the soil moisture level regularly and watering the top inch of soil when it feels dry to the touch is essential. In hot weather, you may need to water your container garden more frequently to prevent the soil from drying out.


Can I overwinter container plants outdoors?

In colder climates, protecting container plants from frost and freezing temperatures during the winter months is essential. Consider moving your container plants to a sheltered location such as a garage or shed or insulating them with mulch or frost cloth to provide added protection. Alternatively, you can bring sensitive container plants indoors for the winter and place them in a sunny window or under grow lights until the weather warms up again.


© Local Gardeners

Specialised Services: The Variety of Professional Gardening Services Offered




Professional gardening services offer a wide array of specialised offerings that cater to the needs of both residential and commercial clients. From creating stunning garden designs to maintaining lush landscapes, professional gardeners possess the expertise and knowledge to transform outdoor spaces into thriving green havens. In this article, we will explore the diverse range of offerings in professional gardening, the benefits of gardening activities, the important aspects of gardening, and the key traits that contribute to a gardener's success.


Exploring the Offerings in Professional Gardening


Residential Gardening Services


Regarding residential gardening, professional gardeners provide extensive services tailored to homeowners' preferences. These offerings include:

Garden Design and Installation: Professional gardeners possess an eye for aesthetics and the ability to create captivating outdoor spaces. They carefully plan and execute garden designs, incorporating elements like pathways, water features, and plant selections that complement the client's vision and the natural surroundings.


Landscape Maintenance: Maintaining a well-groomed landscape requires time, effort, and expertise. Professional gardeners offer regular maintenance services such as mowing lawns, trimming hedges, and pruning trees to ensure the outdoor areas remain healthy, tidy, and visually appealing.

Lawn Care and Maintenance: A lush, vibrant lawn requires proper care and attention. Professional gardeners offer services like soil testing, fertilisation, weed control, and aeration to promote the growth and vitality of lawns.


Tree and Shrub Care: Trees and shrubs are essential components of any garden, and their proper care is crucial for their longevity and appearance. Professional gardeners are skilled in pruning, trimming, and diagnosing diseases or pests that may affect the health of trees and shrubs.


Irrigation System Installation and Maintenance: Efficient watering systems are vital for maintaining healthy plants. Professional gardeners can design and instal irrigation systems that ensure the right amount of water is delivered to plants while conserving resources. They also provide maintenance and repair services for existing systems.


Commercial Gardening Services


Professional gardeners also cater to the unique needs of commercial clients, offering services that enhance commercial spaces' aesthetic appeal and functionality. Some of the key offerings include:


Landscaping for Commercial Properties: Professional gardeners collaborate with businesses to design and create landscapes that align with the brand image and create a welcoming atmosphere for clients and employees. They combine plants, hardscape elements, and outdoor features to craft visually stunning and functional landscapes.


Green Roofs and Living Walls: Green roofs and living walls have gained popularity due to their numerous benefits, including insulation, air purification, and aesthetics. Professional gardeners specialise in designing, installing, and maintaining these vertical green structures, adding a touch of nature to urban environments.


Planting and Maintenance for Public Spaces: Parks, recreational areas, and gardens require special care and attention. Professional gardeners work closely with municipalities and organisations to design and maintain these spaces, ensuring they remain beautiful, safe, and enjoyable.


Seasonal Displays and Holiday Decorations: Professional gardeners excel at creating seasonal displays that reflect the changing seasons and enhance the festive atmosphere during holidays. They skillfully select and arrange plants, flowers, and decorations to create captivating displays that leave a lasting impression.


Indoor Plant Care and Installation: Indoor plants contribute to a healthier and more productive work environment. Professional gardeners provide expertise in selecting suitable plants for indoor spaces, ensuring proper care, and creating interior plant arrangements that uplift the aesthetics of commercial buildings.



Specialised Gardening Services


In addition to residential and commercial services, professional gardeners offer specialised services catering to specific needs and interests. These specialised offerings include:


Organic Gardening and Sustainable Practices: With a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability, professional gardeners provide services focusing on organic gardening techniques, including using natural fertilisers, companion planting, and eco-friendly pest control methods.


Edible Landscaping and Kitchen Gardens: Professional gardeners can help design and create edible landscapes or kitchen gardens for those interested in growing their own food. They assist in selecting suitable edible plants, optimising space, and maintaining the garden for a bountiful harvest.


Vertical Gardens and Green Structures: Vertical gardens are ideal for maximising limited spaces or adding a unique design element. Professional gardeners have the expertise to create stunning vertical gardens using innovative techniques and plant choices.


Hydroponics and Indoor Cultivation: Hydroponics and indoor cultivation are gaining popularity due to their space efficiency and controlled growing conditions. Professional gardeners can assist in setting up hydroponic systems or creating indoor gardens, offering guidance on lighting, nutrient solutions, and plant care.

Wildlife Gardening and Habitat Restoration: For those passionate about supporting local wildlife and conserving biodiversity, professional gardeners can design and create gardens that attract and sustain diverse species. They implement strategies like native plant selections and habitat features to create thriving ecosystems.



The Benefits of Gardening Activities


Engaging in gardening activities provides numerous benefits, both physical and mental. These benefits include:

Physical Health Benefits: Gardening involves physical activity such as digging, planting, and lifting, which helps improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. Spending time outdoors also allows for exposure to vitamin D, essential for bone health.


Mental and Emotional Well-being: Gardening has been linked to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and enhanced overall well-being. Nurturing plants and observing their growth can be therapeutic and calming.


Environmental and Sustainability Benefits: Gardens contribute to the preservation of the environment by providing habitats for wildlife, reducing soil erosion, and promoting water conservation through efficient irrigation practices. They also contribute to cleaner air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, improving air quality.


Social and Community Engagement: Gardening activities can foster social connections and community engagement. Participating in community gardens or sharing gardening knowledge provides opportunities for collaboration, learning, and building relationships.



The Most Important Aspects of Gardening


To ensure successful gardening outcomes, several key aspects require attention:


1. Soil Health and Fertility:
Healthy soil forms the foundation for thriving plants. Professional gardeners understand the importance of soil testing, proper soil amendment, and composting to create an optimal environment for plant growth.

2. Proper Plant Selection and Care:
Selecting plants suitable for the local climate and soil conditions is crucial for their long-term success. Professional gardeners have the expertise to choose the right plants and provide proper care, including watering, fertilising, and disease prevention.

3.Watering and Irrigation:
Proper watering practices are essential for plant health. Professional gardeners know how to water plants effectively through traditional or modern water-saving techniques, such as drip irrigation or rainwater harvesting.


4. Pruning and Trimming Techniques:
Pruning and trimming help maintain plant shape, promote healthy growth, and improve aesthetics. Professional gardeners possess the knowledge and skills to execute pruning techniques correctly, ensuring the plants remain healthy and visually appealing.


5. Pest and Disease Management:
Identifying and managing pests and diseases is vital for plant health and productivity. Professional gardeners are well-versed in diagnosing and treating common garden pests and diseases using environmentally friendly methods whenever possible.



The Key Trait for Gardener's Success


While professional expertise and knowledge are important, one key trait sets successful gardeners apart:


Passion and Dedication:

Passion for gardening and a deep love for plants fuels a gardener's commitment to excellence. Dedication to continuous learning and improvement, combined with genuine enthusiasm, drives them to deliver exceptional results and exceed client expectations.


Adaptability and Continuous Learning:

The gardening industry is ever-evolving, with new techniques, technologies, and plant varieties emerging. Successful gardeners embrace change, stay updated on the latest trends, and are willing to learn and adapt to new practices and innovations.


Attention to Detail and Patience:

Gardening requires attention to detail, from carefully observing plant needs to addressing specific maintenance requirements. Successful gardeners have the patience to understand that creating and maintaining beautiful gardens takes time, effort, and meticulous care.


Strong Communication and Customer Service Skills:

Effective communication and exceptional customer service are vital for professional gardeners. They listen attentively to client's needs, provide clear explanations, and ensure clients are satisfied with the results. Building trust and maintaining open communication contribute to long-term client relationships.



Professional gardening services encompass a wide range of offerings that cater to diverse needs and preferences. Whether designing captivating landscapes, maintaining vibrant gardens, or providing specialised services, professional gardeners play a crucial role in creating and nurturing beautiful outdoor spaces. Gardening brings numerous benefits, from physical health improvements to mental and emotional well-being. By understanding the important aspects of gardening and possessing key traits like passion and dedication, professional gardeners create stunning gardens that bring joy and beauty to people's lives.


Remember, if you're considering professional gardening services, explore the wide range of offerings available and find a knowledgeable and passionate gardener to transform your outdoor space into a flourishing haven.



© Local Gardeners

How Often Should New Plants Be Watered?


Mornings are usually the best time to water your new plants, as they can soak up most moisture from your watering. If your water is in the middle of the day, sunlight can negatively affect them, as the water will evaporate too quickly. You can also water the plants in the evening when the sun sets, and temperatures have dropped.


How Often to Water New Plants?


There is no specific and universal formula for watering frequency for all plants. The watering schedule may be affected by several factors, such as plant type, location, soil type and weather. 


Plant Type


Watering new trees and watering new flowers are two things that have different needs. Bigger plants lose water faster and require more nutrients, as trees are larger and have more leaves, so they need more water. If the plant you’re watering has plenty of flowers, you should also give it plenty of water.


Planting Location


Consider restriction of roots when you plant new vegetation. If the plant is boxed in by any walls around it or placed in a container, the water will dry up faster, so more frequent watering will be necessary. Plants in a border will need less watering because more soil means more moisture.


Soil Type


Whenever you water, there is always some water left behind in the soil. No plant can drink it all up, so keep that in mind. Keep away from clay soil as much as you can. It may be capable of retaining much water, but plants find it hard to extract it from within that soil. Sandy soil is the best in this case, as minor and often watering can have the best impact. The plants will get a constant supply of moisture that way. 


The Weather and Seasons


It would be best if you were on the lookout for rainfall. If it’s already raining outside, skip the watering for apparent reasons. The plants won’t need it. Look at the soil before you water, as the top five centimetres need to be completely dry. If they’re moist, then once again, skip watering. If there is too much rain, as is often the case in the UK, you won’t need to water as much. If you have hot and sunny days ahead, keep an eye on the plants and their water needs.


How Often Should You Water?


If you are looking for a general rule, you should water every day for the first week. Reduce the watering frequency to every other day during the second week, and then water the plants a couple of times a week. If the plants are succulents, you should ignore that and water plants every other day, then a couple of times a week, and from the third week, only once weekly.


Signs You’re Under or Overwatering


Your plants will show you if you’re getting watering wrong. New plants that are underwatered won’t grow as well as you might expect. They will not produce flowers or fruit, and their leaves may start to wilt, curl or lose their shine.


Pick up the pot and check out how it feels. If it’s falling over on windy days, the soil lacks moisture and needs more. Brown or yellow leaves, root rot and perforations on the leaves show that you’re overwatering your plants. Your new plants will be fairly safe from overwatering if the soil has good drainage.


© Local Gardeners


How to Get Rid of Old Compost


Your beds, containers and borders will look amazing when your plants are thriving, but when the time comes to replace them, you will be left with a lot of old compost that lacks the nutrients to be helpful. As a general rule, when compost is old, then it's considered useless and spent. That is not precisely the case, though, as much of what gardening is about is making use of everything available at your fingertips. Throwing away old compost increases your carbon footprint and is also wasteful, as it can still be utilised. 


Make Mulch


Mulch can be a great way of minimising weed growth, improving your soil's moisture content and enhancing its structure. You can use the old compost as mulch on your vegetable and flower beds. It retains water, so it keeps your soil moist. Using old compost not only ensures your plants are getting a slow-release feed but will cost you far less than it would otherwise. You should put a thin layer of old compost on the soil's surface and around your plants. Cover up any spaces between the plants, as this is where the weeds are more likely to try to take root. The rest is up to the worms, as they will do their magic. They will help mix the compost with the existing soil, and you won't need to do any of the work yourself. Do some weeding first, then mulch, so the soil will get all the nutrients and moisture it needs.


Boost Your Lawn


Sometimes your grass can look worn out and yellowing. You can use old compost to boost its seed germination, sow your grass seeds according to packet instructions and move on to the next step. Sieve a light layer of compost on top, then water it well. Garden soil tends to struggle to keep moisture in, but with the help of compost, you can see it soaking up. Adding compost after spreading some grass seeds will pack in the moisture, allowing the seeds to grow much faster and easier. Make sure you're using your old compost for this, as anything too dense in nutrients will have the opposite effect.


Grow Root Vegetables


As a whole, old compost should not be used when you're trying to grow vegetables, as it lacks the nutrients to support a good crop. Vegetables need nutrient-rich soil to thrive and grow, so old compost is a no-no. Even though it doesn't have a lot of nutrients, old compost is still useful as it accommodates hummus and perlite, which are good for root vegetables.


Carrots tend to need less nutrition and grow better without stuffing their soil full of it. Sowing carrot seeds in nutrient-rich soil tends to create greater carrot tops and smaller carrots, so if you want good carrots, use your old compost instead. The same goes for beetroot and any slow-sprouting seeds.


Revitalise Your Compost Heap


If you're wondering how you can regenerate your old compost, you can add it to your existing compost heap. Old compost is excellent for the stinkier compost heaps, those who lack nutrients and those you still need to start. If you're planning on starting a compost heap from nothing, you should mix up some brown materials rich in carbon alongside green, nitrogen-rich biomass, then throw in the old compost. Used compost has bacteria capable of speeding up the breakdown of your green or brown organic material. Since it retains a lot of moisture, it can nourish your compost heap.


©Local Gardeners


How to Prepare a Bountiful Autumn Garden Space


Summers are hot and dry, and the list of problems many gardens have to deal with is expansive. Still, you have an excellent opportunity to enjoy a growing season when summer eventually moves into autumn. As the season's change, autumn brings another chance for you to sow and grow your cooler seasonal vegetables, such as carrots or arugula. But what kind of a choice should you make regarding your crop choices? How do you fit all those choices into your garden, and how do you make a successful autumn solution? The following tips aim to give you a hand in that.


Using Four Step Planting Strategy 


You have four planting opportunities for your autumn garden, so you need to make the right choice of crops for each of those windows: you should start by determining your first freeze date, which in most cases is around three weeks after the first frost date. In this case, frost means the end of the warm-season crops such as basil and tomatoes, but it also benefits the cooler season plants like kohlrabi or bok choy. This triggers the production of sugars in the above-ground parts of the plants.


Step One: 14 to 12 Weeks Before Hard Freeze


There is enough time for you to put in late sowing of salad cucumbers, snap beans or summer squash for a fast-maturing crop. If you have the luck of mild weather, you should plant parsnips or beets in beds. Inside, where the crops will be sheltered, you should start with seeds of broccoli, collards, cabbage, kale, rutabaga, kohlrabi and the faster-maturing types of cauliflower. This is a great season to try on some new varieties of these plants and other types of cabbages. Other vegetables you can start growing indoors include parsley and bulb fennel.


Step Two: 11 to 10 Weeks Before Hard Freeze


If you don't have your seedlings, you should look up what you can in garden centres. You can set out cabbage family crops as they near transplanting size, then cover them using tulle to keep insects away. Sow a fast maturing type of carrot in a fertile bed, then cover it up with a shade cover or an old blanket. This should help keep the soil moist between each watering. If the weather allows it, you can sow cilantro, bibb, romaine or butterfly lettuce and radishes. You should start with large-rooted daikons or Chinese radishes, as they need more time to grow than salad radishes. This is also a great time to plant winter cover crops, such as winter peas, cold-resistant grains, crimson clover or hairy vetch.


Step Three: 9 to 8 Weeks Before Hard Freeze


In this step, it's time to choose from several greens - spinach, arugula, turnips, or Asian greens such as bok choy, tatsoi or Chinese cabbage. You can plant more lettuce and salad radishes, assuming you want that and have the space.


Step Four: 7 to 6 Weeks Before Hard Freeze


You can sow smaller winter crops, such as mache, spinach and cold-resistant lettuce, in beds outfitted with covers. The seedlings that grow to about 8 centimetres before the cold weather stop their growth, waiting under the glass or plastic, then resume growing once spring arrives. You can also plant shallots or garlic when the first hard freeze happens. The cloves will slowly grow their roots, with their tips emerging from the ground before the winter is over.


©Local Gardeners


Gardening Chores You Should Address in May


If you want to know the gardening chores to address in May, you have landed on the right page.


Hello everyone, and welcome to another blog!


If you are a gardener, the month of may be a busy month for you. If you have a small garden in your home, now is the time to do some serious work. The idea is to turn your garden into a beautiful area where you can have tons of fun.


In this article, we are going to talk about gardening chores to address in May. Without further ado, let's get started.




By the end of April, spring bulbs have already bloomed. They may appear a little tired due to the intense heat. But you don't need to remove these flowers. Instead, you may want to resist this temptation.


If you don't remove these bulbs, they will grow seeds that you can use next year. But that does not mean you cannot touch these flower heads. You are free to remove some of the flower heads to make your garden appear more beautiful.


Once the leaves turn yellow, you won't need them anymore. So, you can remove them and make space for other plants you love.




In May, your garden soil will be warm enough for perennials. Therefore, if you want to grow your favourite perennials, now is the best time to do so. For best results, it is a good idea to use mulch as it offers a lot of benefits.


For example, you don't want those weeds in your home garden as they can absorb essential nutrients from the soil. So, if you apply mulch, you can prevent weeds to a great extent.


If you want to provide support for your perennial plants, make sure to plant them in a row. The good thing about this approach is that it will help you save a lot of time and effort for several months to come.


Once your plants get going, it will be difficult for you to protect them against strong winds. So, it is a good idea to plant them in rows.




If you have shrubs in your garden, you may want to monitor their flowering progress. Some popular shrubs include Japanise, choisya and ribes. It would help to prune shrubs in May to give them your desired shape. Apart from this, you will need to renew our tender plants after the month of frost.


Proper pruning is essential if you want shrubs to grow properly. After all, you don't want to hamper the growth of your favourite garden shrubs.




For direct sowing, you may want to go for the right type of animals, such as cosmos, nasturtiums, nigella and poppies. It is a good idea to sow these plants in drifts for best results. As an alternative, you can mix them up.


It is also a great idea to plant them in different pots. In this case, you can use window boxes and hanging baskets. It all boils down to your personal preferences. Make sure to go for the best annuals.




By the end of April, your garden grass will grow pretty big. Therefore, you may want to mow your lawn once per week. If the grass looks tall, you may want to raise your mower's height and gradually reduce the height as you trim your garden grass.




If you love wildflowers or meadow patches, now is the right time to get ready for it. First of all, you need to pay attention to your soil. Then, make sure the mixture is the right one based on the conditions.


The good thing about growing wildflowers is that they don't need a lot of space. A few square metres of space is more than enough. Turning your home garden into wildflowers can help wildlife as well. Apart from this, these plants don't require a lot of care, which can help you save a lot of time and effort.


Bedding plants


After the last frost date, you may want to prepare your summer bedding. The beauty of bedding plants is that you can choose from scores of plug plants. However, if you are looking for easy maintenance, geraniums may be your ideal pick.


Geraniums are available in tons of varieties. Since bedding plants grow fast, you can experiment with them. This approach can help you choose plants that work best for you.


So, these are some of the gardening chores to address in May. If you follow the tips given in this article, you won't be overwhelmed at all.


If you need help taking care of your garden, we suggest that you hire the services of Local Gardeners.


©Local Gardeners




What Flowers Should you Pick for Your Garden in London



If you are starting up your garden or trying to remodel it, one challenging task is determining the flowers for the garden. The kind of flower will be determined by factors like cost of maintenance, the year-round colour to keep your garden alive all season, the scent of the flower and in some cases, the kind of shades. Thus, there is a lot of research and planning in determining the type of flower suitable for your garden.

You can get these details from Local Gardeners with their experience of the weather and the best flower suitable in London. However, based on our expertise and experience, we will list some of the best flowers you should pick for your gardens in London.

Some of the best flowers for your garden in London include:

The Trachelospermum jasminoides AGM

Local Gardeners prefer the Trachelospermum jasminoides AGM for its all-season bloom. It is whitish with a pleasant scented smell during the summer and turns burgundy-red during the winter, keeping the garden colourful. The flower is also suitable for boundaries because of its climbing and twinning features. It is easy to maintain, for you will likely have to trim it to the length you desire to maintain its boundary. With the weather conditions in London, this plant will keep your garden alive all year.

Heuchera ‘Green Spice’

You should keep your garden coloured up with the Heuchera 'Green Spice. The flower has a silver and green colouring on the leaf and a deep purple view. It is a beautiful flower in your garden, and it can grow in full sunlight or shaded places. They are easy to maintain and move around, and they can suitably move from one place to the other. Gardeners prefer to have this flower in front of the boundary plant or other flowers. It can grow to a maximum height of 0.3 to 0.4 meters. It is more of a complimentary plant to the design of your garden, and the plant goes with any garden setup.

Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ AGM

Now, if you want to add some unique flowers with striking colours to your garden, the Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' AGM is your best option. The plant does well on shades and is one of the best shade-loving plants to keep your London garden lively all seasons. It has silver-green leaves and a unique, unforgettable blue flower that comes up in the spring. The plant will grow to a height between 20 to 30 cm, and we will recommend tidying up the old leaves, making room for new and fresh leaves to beautify your garden. With different varieties of plants available, you can choose the one that suits your garden.

Peachleaf Bellflower

The Peachleaf Bellflower is a welcoming sight to any garden. It lights up your garden, especially during the summer when it blooms at its fullest with its blue colour. Unlike other flowers that will require special maintenance, the Peachleaf Bellflower does not constitute a nuisance as it does not self-sow. The flower will only spring up in a few places and will not take over your garden. It has a low maintenance cost, so even amateur gardeners can manage the flower effectively.

Cottage Pink

The cottage Pink is generally appreciated for its favourable spicy scent. You can easily manage these flowers, and they keep your garden colourful with a pleasant fragrance all year. And this flower is best suited on the front of boundary flowers. Being low maintenance flowers, they cause less trouble as they are not disturbed by animals but attract the butterflies which perch on the flower. Cottage Pink is one of the best plants in London that will give your garden the best feel and smell of a garden-like place through the seasons.


You can learn more from Local Gardeners about the best flowers that will suit the ideal of your garden. Now you can keep your garden bright, colourful and with a lovely scent using some or a combination of the flowers listed above.

©Local Gardeners



Garden Chores to Address in February



This February gardening guide will provide you with a list of garden chores to address in February. Let's get started.


According to many gardeners, February is the wettest month, which is a gardening myth. The fact of the matter is that February is on the list of dry months of the year. However, some places may have more or fewer dry days during this month. The good news is that this is an ideal month for gardening.


In the UK, your garden will experience easterly and northern winds. Therefore, February can be called a frosty month. So,  you have some garden chores to address in February.


Although you can break up the soil, this month is unsuitable for early growth. Partly, it's because low temperatures that slow down germination. Therefore, you may want to take your time before making any outdoor plant growing attempts.


Garden chores to address in February


First of all, it's essential to keep in mind that most of the tips in this article are given based on the weather. But you can loosen up the soil using a fork to cultivate the ground. January is the best month to clean your tools, but now is the time to get it done if you have not done so.


Protect your plants


February is the month when you should get ready to plant. If the weather is warm enough, you can plant out this month. However, the expert advice is that you should grow at the end of February. You can easily make their decision by following the weather forecast.


If you are from the north of England, Northern Ireland, or Scotland, we suggest that you wait for late March to be on the safe side. It all boils down to the soil temperature.


But if you have made up your mind to plant in February anyway, we suggest you use some type of clothes or glass to protect your plants at night, as temperatures are too low after the sunset. Apart from this, you can prevent slugs by scattering a small amount of grit or ash.


In February, you may move your herbaceous ferns, plants and deciduous shrubs. However, you may want to move them only on sunny days. If there is a possibility of frost, you may want to lift these plants with a lot of soil around the roots for added protection.


If there are a couple of dry days in a row, you can remove those weeds and prepare those flower beds. Make sure that there is plenty of space between large bulbs. Similarly, take a closer look at your plants for damage or disease from slugs. Also, if you prefer those slug pellets, now is the best time to use them. 


Head to your Vegetable Garden


If you have plans to sow vegetables in February, make sure that the soil is warm enough for germination. For planting, the temperature should be at least 10 degrees. Apart from this, make sure that the soil has started drying out. In case the soil is too wet, or the temperature is below 10 degrees, you may experience failed growth or slow germination.


If the temperature is above 10 degrees and there is no sign of frost, you can sow without any worries.


February is an ideal month to grow early peas and beans. Also, you may grow lettuce, garlic asparagus, spinach and parsnips. If you are interested in growing potatoes, you may get your first batch in the ground.


Again, make sure that the temperature is warm enough, or you may be disappointed.


Prune your fruit trees and bushes


In case you don't know, don't let your fruit trees or bush fruits bear fruit in their first year.


Prune your blackcurrant bushes to the second bud

Cut back your raspberry canes to 6 inches from the base

Prune your gooseberry bushes to 3 inches above the ground

Spray your peaches and nectarines to prevent fungus and leaf curl


Watch out for rain


In February, the biggest problem you may have to deal with is the rain. The UK gets a lot of rain during this month. So, you may want to make sure that there is good drainage. Also, you may want to make a list of your primary wet spots and make sure that these areas have no drainage issues.


So, this was a brief description of garden chores to address in February. If you are too busy to take care of these tasks, we suggest that you hire the services of professional gardeners. We recommend Local Gardeners as they offer the best services in this department.


©Local Gardeners




How to Make the most of a Winter Garden in London



London has a microclimate where it can get sunny and cold over the year. For local gardeners, there are distinctions in gardening activities during these seasons. Please don't mistake the winter as a period for rest, free from gardening activities, for despite the winter, we have to make the most of our gardens in London. And that raises the question of how to keep our winter garden alive during the cold and chilling days.


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Now being the winter, your garden does not have to look bare or like an empty shell. There should be some life and activities such as winter gardening. Thus, we will share some tips on winter gardening in London to help you manage your garden to look good and appealing at all times. Here are the following tips:


The best time to plan for your garden

The winter should not be spent idle and leaving your garden without maintaining it. This is the best time to plan your garden and draw out a structure, especially for a social garden for the summer. Please take a look at your garden, map out the landscape, visualize how you want it to look in the summer, and then implement. With the well-planned structure, you can now work out the design on the floor and make the necessary preparation and set up for the summer work.


Buy and establish plants in the garden.

People do not usually buy plants during the winter, so it is cheaper during this period. Therefore, take advantage of the readily available and low cost of the plant this period to set up your garden approaching the summer. You can keep these plants in the nursery while preparing your garden if the weather allows you to do that. Then prepare all the primary planning processes so you can set up your plant awaiting the summer for quick results.


Taming for the winter garden

The winter is the best time to tame the garden during winter gardening. It is perfect because any tree that may be casting shadows on your plant and preventing sunlight would have withered off during this period, and you can easily take off the branches. It would be best if you did this in a way that will have access to direct sunlight to the plant, which will increase the garden's performance. Taming during the summer will be difficult and will create much mess since leaves will be everywhere.


Shifting of plants and other structure

Now, if you have a huge plant, trees or other structures that you plan on getting out of the way, then the winter period is the perfect time to get those things out of the way. In the case of plants or trees, you can remove them easily since their roots are not firmly attached to the soil during the winter except in cases where the ground has frozen. Also, you can replant them in areas where they seem better or will not affect the garden. There are tricks to doing this uprooting to ensure that you get it right and don't damage the plant's root.


Invest in evergreen plant

Rather than leaving the garden looking abandoned, you should invest in evergreen plants that grow all seasons. For example, camellias are the perfect plant for the winter period, and all you have to do is work on the acidity of the soil to support the plant during the difficult winter period. They will brighten up your garden and get you prepared for the summer. Heuchera Sweet Tea is another plant you can plant across all periods, so you should have them in your garden during the winter.


Brighten your gardens with outdoor accessories

Another way to keep your garden lively for gathering with friends and families is by adding outdoor accessories such as artificial flowers or plants, bulbs and decorative accessories to keep the place looking bright and accessible. In addition, you can add some decorations and make the site perfect for socialization with these accessories.

You do not have to keep the garden idle during the winter, for you can quickly transform your garden into a place for hangout. Or otherwise, prepare it for the upcoming summer with the proper techniques. You are free to drop your comments and opinions. Let's discuss the winter garden options. And please don't forget to subscribe to all our social media spaces.


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3 Great Strategies for Gardening and Planting Flower Beds


As a newbie gardener who is just studying the basic strategies to start a garden from scratch, you will find out that gardening is not a simple undertaking. Maintaining your lawn or upgrading your veggie garden could be challenging, but chances are you face the greatest difficulties when planting your flower beds. The sizes and shapes of flower beds you can go for are so varied that choosing what's best for your garden is a tough job. Obviously, you will need smart tips to lean on when planting flower beds is ahead of you:


  • Know how to layer your flower beds - to create a flower border that pleases the eye, you need to adopt the best layering strategy for your newly added flower beds. Basically, layering involves three stages of arranging - starting with the lowest ground cover, going through mid-height and finishing the border with the tallest plants. Stick to that layering technique and you will manage to organise your garden symmetrically. Alpines, Erigeron and Pachysandra are some of the most outstanding species that can form your ground cover. Taller plants like Geraniums and Heleniums are great solutions when you want to create the mid-layer of your flower border. As far as the third layer is concerned, plants with a height between 1-2 meters are what will make the flower bed look complete. You have many wonderful options here -from tall grasses to well-kept shrubs or even Shrub Roses, tall species will bring the eye up, adding a sense of harmony to your garden.


  • Pay special attention to the colour palette - while all strategies for planting flower beds are equally important, choosing the right colours is where most homeowners make a mistake. Expert gardeners believe that mixing various colours is only reasonable when the design of your garden space is well thought out. If you are not careful with the combination you intend to make, your flower beds might look far from tranquil. Typically you will have to choose between monochromatic shades and contrasting ones. Ask yourself what effect you wish to achieve after your flower beds have been planted. Do you want your garden to look calm or you prefer drama to set the tone? If calmness is what you desire, choose monochromatic shades. In the opposite case, you can take some risks and opt for contrasting colours. Still, unless you are absolutely certain about the future vision of your garden, you should better go for monochromatic flower beds. With this option, you don't run the risk of turning your garden space into an ill-conceived area.


  • Try with repetitive species in the flower bed - before you head out to the market and purchase your brand-new flowers, you should think about repetition in your flower beds. In a word, repetition means planting more than a single bulb of one species in the flower bed. Whether you would prefer to repeat the colour of your flowers or you intend to create a curious shape in the flower bed, repetition is your best bet for a picture-perfect garden. Figure out a repetitive pattern to boost the effect you want to achieve with your plants. If creating a formal garden is what you have passion for, you can plant your flowers in straight lines. In any other case, however, you can lay plants in 3’s or 5’s to avoid a garden that looks too simple and boring. Great examples of provocative patterns are triangles and drifts of 3 or 5 plants.


Planting flower beds is one of those gardening jobs that provide the possibility for making a mistake. Now that you have improved your knowledge on the subject, you will get the opportunity to design your garden space just like a real expert.


©Local Gardeners


Here Is What You Should Never Do When Watering Plants


Expert local gardeners would tell you that watering the plants is a little more complicated task than it seems to be. You have seen gardens where plants are always fresh and thriving, but your vegetables perform worse than you have expected? Perhaps you underestimated the importance of mastering the right watering techniques. Don’t give up on your garden, it never too late to grow healthy plants. Read on to discover which are the inappropriate water-related practices and switch to some advantageous watering routines:


  • You shouldn’t misuse the sprinkler’s automatic option – the automatic function of your watering device is a setting that allows you to determine an exact hour for the sprinkler to turn on. Surely this is a cool option and it facilitates watering when you are away, but don’t get carried away with it. Instead of using that privilege every single day, water the plants by yourself and benefit from the self-control alternative only when necessary. Otherwise, likely, your garden wouldn’t get the right amount of water.


  • You shouldn’t water only on the surface – unless you are planting seeds, make sure that water goes deep into the ground. It is a common mistake to believe that if you moisturise the surface every day, you take good care of your plants. Generous watering is just as important as its frequency. For plants to have powerful roots, water has to reach them deeply. In the opposite case, roots stay closer to the surface and they can dry out fast.


  • You should adjust the right water stream – if you decide to use a hose for watering the garden, don’t maximise the power of the water stream. Despite the common concept that severe pressure would damage the plants, this is not the real issue. Too hard of a water stream is a plain waste of water that doesn’t reach plants’ roots and it is unnecessary for their good health. A more gentle, but steady water stream would do the job more efficiently.


  • Your watering schedule is ill-timed – the problem that comes with a poor choice of watering time is the ability of water to vaporise. Don’t start with the task in the middle of the day or later in the evening, because a great amount of water would disappear before reaching the roots of your plants. The best moment to schedule watering is early in the morning when the weather is still cool. This way your plants would be supplied with the entire amount of water they need to grow strong and healthy.


  • You shouldn’t overwater – the first thought of many non-pro gardeners is to feed their lovely plants as often as possible. Indeed, too much water is often as dangerous as neglecting your garden. How to determine the number of times you should deal with watering? It depends on factors like the type of soil and the kind of plants you grow. A smart approach would be for you to organise plants considering their needs. This way you will be able to supply each group with the exact amount of water it requires.


  • You shouldn’t concentrate on the leaves – no doubt tiny drops of water on your plants’ leaves look nice, but that’s not the way to go. Watering only the leaves means that you don’t supply your plants with enough food. While watering, direct your efforts to the roots since they should grow strong for the plants to stay healthy.


Each first-time gardener makes watering mistakes that often result in weak plants. Do your best to avoid these common misconceptions and your garden will shelter green, healthy plants.


© Local Gardeners


How Should You Deadhead Flowers And What Are The Benefits Of It?


Deadheading is one of the gardening chores you will need to address regularly through the plant growing season. In essence, deadheading involves the removal of spent flowers from living plants. While it sounds a little scary and rough, it is a way to ensure that your plants produce more flowers for the months to come. 


As one of the essential skills, deadheading is something every gardener out there should master. It is simple, though there are some tips you should consider to ensure a good outcome. So, when it comes to doing this chore on flowers, there are a few possible techniques you can employ. The one you pick largely depends on the type of plant you have – its size and the number of flowers it produces will tell you which of these three deadheading methods to utilise: 


  1. Pinching

A lot of flower stalks are relatively thin and soft. This means it is pretty much enough to pinch them off with your fingers. This method is quite quick, as it requires little to no preparation, to execute it. Consider using it on coleus. That is one plant you want no flowers of because you are probably growing it for the leaves mostly. 


  1. Pruning

Pruning is ideal for any plant with big flowers. For example, you will use on coneflowers and daylilies. Hand pruners make the best tool for the job. One mistake people often make to remove unopened buds, thinking that they will never make it. Expert gardeners recommend you first remove the flowers on the top and leave some time for the buds. There is a good chance they will flower soon enough. If you find that the whole stalk is done with its blooming, remove it from the base of the plant. 


  1. Shearing

If you are dealing with a profusion of tiny flowers, you need to take your time. Wait until all of the flowers have reached their prime. That is when you should shear the plant back by at least one-third. Sure, you will lose a few flowers in the process, but it won’t be long before you see the plant fully recover and produce new blooms. Doing this also makes the plant look fresh, which is essential for the beauty of your display. It is possible to shear again in the season, or even three times. 


Now that you have learned more about the deadheading methods for flowers, it is time to turn your attention to its benefits. Doing it right has its upsides: 


It makes the plant look neat

If there is one thing common among all flowers, it is that they turn brown and mushy/dry when they die. This means the overall look of the garden will wane. By deadheading the spent flowers, you get a chance to make the place look neater. 


The plant will conserve energy

Another benefit to removing blooms is that it allows the plant to direct energy towards its health. Some perennial flowers, like peonies and Astilbe bloom, once a year, even if you deadhead them. However, cutting the flower stalks ensures the plant can direct energy to the roots, becoming harder. 


Encourage new flower buds

Deadheading enables flowers to set more buds. What this leads to is an extended blooming season, which is always something you’d want to go after. Most of the annual flowers and a great deal of the perennial plants continue to bloom after being deadheaded. 


Now that you know more about deadheading and how to make the most of it, you can properly employ it as part of your gardening chores. 


© Local Gardeners


6 Effective Ways of Watering the Lawn


Summer is coming, and that means you want the lawn in your garden to look its best. Well, you cannot achieve that task, if you don’t find an efficient way to water the lawn. Water is the most essential component for a healthy lawn, especially in the summer heat. 

Before we go on about the best watering methods for your lawn, you have to understand the most fundamental question: how often should you water the lawn? It all depends on what grass you have, the soil it is planted in, the region you live in and the age of the lawn. That said, here are some of the best lawn watering tips that you should adopt: 

1. Lawn irrigation

You needn’t worry too much about grass, as it has evolved its ways of dealing with high temperature. For example, there are cool-loving types, which actually go dormant during the hottest periods of the year. What you need is something that resembles a little rainfall in the summer. What better way to achieve it than irrigation? Whether it is in the form of a sprinkler, drip irrigation system or a hose, you can bet it will relieve the grass when the heat is up. 

2. You have to determine water volume

Many gardening experts agree that lawn grass needs just enough water to penetrate the top 8 inches of the soil. That is the healthiest depth for grassroots. Depending on how hot the weather is, you can give or take an extra half inch. That said, you should develop a watering schedule that covers the need over 2 or 3 times a week. In times of drought, you can rehydrate the grass, to revive it. 

3. Stick to watering hours

If the afternoon in your area gets a little bit hot, then you will do the lawn a poor service to water it then. The Sun will easily evaporate the water, preventing it from soaking into the soil. To counter this, you should water the lawn early in the morning, or later in the evening. That way, the Sun won’t be a factor for evaporation and the water will be able to supply the lawn sufficiently. Also, bear in mind not to go overboard with watering time. A good rule of thumb is 30-40 minutes, which is enough for the lawn to soak sufficient water. 


4 Improve soil conditions

Normally, your soil will fall under one of three types: clay, sand and silt. Soil type with very small grains moves water quickly through it, whereas this process is slower for blocky and prismatic soil. Ideally, you want the soil to be able to hold water, which creates the perfect environment for plants. Test the water retention ability of your soil and don’t forget to add fertiliser to improve it further. 

5. Even irrigation

Are there any areas of the soil that feel dry? After all, the areas that sit close to the sprinkler usually have no problem, but what about those farther away? You can easily test your sprinkler by placing a few cans in the yard at even spaces. Check how full they are and make the necessary reconfigurations. 

6. Drip irrigation is great

If you want the best for your lawn, you can consider drip irrigation. This is a mechanism that slowly drips water precisely at the roots. The system conserves a great deal of water and makes for perfect targeting of where water is most needed. 

Now that you know how to make your lawn stand out, you should implement these tips and see how much of a difference they make. 

For more such useful guidelines, visit Local Gardeners

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